Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The heart never lies

"A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes." Have you ever listened to the lyrics of that song? Well, if not, here, take a good listen:

Or what about this one from Mulan?

Okay, maybe that's enough of the Disney heart, but it makes you think a little bit, doesn't it? Why is it that messages, not just in Disney, keep telling us to follow our heart?

Here's my theory on the matter. You know that feeling you get that something just might not be quite right, or maybe you're REALLY excited for something?  Some say it's your gut, but I think if we sat down and analyzed what we're really feeling, I think we'd find that it's our heart guiding us.  It's so easy to lie to our brains, after all, it's our brain telling us something. We can convince our psychy of anything.  The one part of us however that never lies, is our heart.

A lot of people over think everything and that's the problem, is we're listening to the wrong organ (is the brain an organ? I dunno...that's why I'm an analyst and not a scientist I guess!) Maybe that's why I take the word "Love" so seriously.  Because that is the one emotion most humans relate to the heart.

I think what got me thinking about this, was a comment I added to a friend's photo, about how her photo made my heart happy not just ME happy.  Then I was thinking a couple weeks back when I was at a MAJOR low, how I kept saying "my heart is hurting!" The feelings I get from my heart are TRUE emotions and personally, I think I've been listening to it much more since I've gotten here.

Sometimes it might not be the best thing to let the heart rule.  When you put your heart into everything you do, you leave yourself open and vulnerable to be hurt.(Which, I'd like to remind y'all was one of my goals for the new year!) Sometimes having your brain overtake your heart is a defense mechanism, and it's okay! But never forget that, you can lie to your brain, but your heart will always tell you the truth!!

What kind of inspirational blog would this be without awesome quotes from famous?

“Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart.”

“I would rather have eyes that cannot see; ears that cannot hear; lips that cannot speak, than a heart that cannot love”

“Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. Nor is it etched on stone, for stone can be broken. But it is inscribed on a heart and there it shall remain forever.” 

“The heart has reasons that reason does not understand.”

“There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart...pursue those.”

“My mind tells me to give up, but my heart won't let me.”   

and finally

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”  Confucius

Monday, February 17, 2014

A journey into the soul

Today was one of those days where light bulbs kind of just clicked on, all day long.  I was fortunate enough today to spend my time with Tobi Titchener, a medium here in Colorado.  As you all are very aware, I've been having a difficult time the last couple months and I needed some guidance.

I'm sitting here on my couch writing this, trying to think of how I could possibly describe what happened today, or the feelings that came through.  So I'm going to do my best to share with you what came through and just how it felt.

First thing that was mentioned was my chakras. If you don't know what a chakra is, here is an official definition:
"According to Tantric tradition, everyone has seven energy centers that serve as junction points between the body and consciousness, or between matter and the mind. These spinning vortices, called chakras in Sanskrit, receive, assimilate and express our vital life energy. When the flow of energy in one or more of the chakras becomes blocked, we may develop physical and mental illnesses. The ancient seers perceived the chakra system as a column of energy centers that extends from the base of the spine to the top of the head. The location of each chakra loosely corresponds to an area of the body’s anatomy and is associated with a specific color."

Pretty much, your open chakra help define who you are and what you're meant to do.  I fortunatly have two, which is the heart, and blue, which is the throat.  Again, here are the official definitions:

Fifth Chakra, Vishuddha (blue) This energy center is localized in the throat area and relates to communication and self-expression . . . the ability to voice our dreams. When our center of communication is clear, we’re able to express our truth without worrying about what others may think.


Fourth Chakra: Anahata (green) This energy center is sometimes referred to as the "heart chakra” because it resonates in the heart and relates to compassion and love. When the fourth chakra is flowing and open, we feel deeply connected to everyone in our life. 

 With these two being open, I'm opening myself to love, friendship and also being hurt. I open my heart, and with my strong communication skills,  I'm meant to teach.  I wish I could talk about how that's fitting PERFECTLY with my Army career right now, but unfortunately I'd have to kill you if I told you! 

The next thing that was talked about was my lack of conclusion with Colin.  He has SO many demons and has such a dark soul, it was grabbing onto my light. He was an anchor weighing me down and while I was trying to help him and pull him up, all he did was drag me down. What I have to do is learn to forgive myself for not being able to pull him up. He was a hopeless cause and there's no way for me to help. It's time to move on and allow myself to realize he was beyond hope.

I got messages from all three of my grandparents.  My Nana, like she was in life, came barging through with a hot dish to offer! All three of them stated how proud they were of me.  For, in 6 months, changing EVERYTHING about my life. New career, new marital status, new city. With these changes, she also mentioned how many amazing people I have in my corner!! People who will always have my back, here and at home.  A big part of that due to my heart chakra being wide open!

There were so many things that happened that I can't possibly describe. To the people who believe, I don't need to say much, to the people who don't, no amount of description, video, audio, you name it, will convince you. There was something special in that room today and I felt it.  

 I didn't go see her because I wanted to know the future or find out lottery numbers.  What I wanted to learn was that, the feelings I have, the chills I get,  the signs I see, aren't just in my mind.  I needed to know the path I've decided to take is still the right one. After today, I know it is and I know I'm gonna be a success. I'm supposed to be here, right now. There's going to be a couple more hard months, but once Spring comes around, things should start looking up.

 P.S. Spirit saw me getting married again....just because I know that's what you all REALLY want to know! :)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

And the beat goes on.

I know, this is two days in a row that I'm writing, but these last few days have been days of a lot of self-relization, a lot of pondering life, and really refocusing my efforts on what's important.

When I began this blog about three years ago now, my ultimate goal was to join the Army,  lose the weight and get in.  Well that happened, and since I've been here in Colorado, I've been missing something big, I've been missing having a goal!  My focus has been SO much on forgetting Colin, that I've forgotten about myself!

This morning I was cruising Facebook and found a picture of me, my senior year of college. Wow. I was 266 pounds and so unhealthy. With how far I've  come I thought about that John Wooden quote "life's not about the destination, but about the journey."  Well, my journey was the Army. It wasn't always easy but I got in.  My journey ended....or did it?

NOPE! I realized it has just begun! This new path I'm on is going to involve a lot more than simply one goal.  My new destination, is to be happy.  A big part of that is refocusing on my health.  When I eat right, when I workout, and when I focus on me, and not the world around me, I'm content with life!

After finding my picture, I went out and bought myself a new pair of running shoes (it's been over a year.)  When I got home, I found my running pants, my "Get Lucky 7k" running sweatshirt and put my feet to the pavement!! I didn't go far, maybe a couple miles, but I went. And after all "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!" (I know, I'm full of the best quotes...)

So this is the start of another journey. Another that focus' on me and my happiness. One where I'll thrive for me, succeed for me, love for me, and really starting to live life to simply be happy. What happens tomorrow will happen, and I can't control it. 

I'm starting to realize life goes on after heartbreak. Not only does it go on, it gets better, much better. I get to wake up tomorrow and live this life all over again, and I'm going to do it as if Monday's not gonna come!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Thoughts from a top of a mountain...

One of my favorite things that I do since I've moved to Colorado Springs, is going to "my spot." So, thanks to technology, I'm able to sit on my mountain top and share with the world just what's happening.

The theme on my mind lately is love.  With Valentines Day just next week, it's sort of hard not to.  One of the hardest things I've learned about love I think, is that everyone's feelings about it are different. Not only that, but there are SO many types of love.

First, the most simple: love of an object.  Pretty self explanatory. "I love this dinner!" "Oh my gosh, I love that movie!"  It's a love that simply expresses a feeling stronger than like!

Second is the best, most pure and best intentioned in my mind..the love you feel for your friends! Since I've joined the military, I've been some friends who I would do anything for.  If they need a helping hand, I'd be there. If they need an ear to bitch about their command to, my ears are always open.  The love I have for my friends is endless.  Back in Minnesota, I miss my friends like I miss my family, because they are family. I know that even three states away I can call them and complain or cry or laugh. My friends are amazing.

Third is probably the most confusing and worst of them all.  It's that love that Valentines Day THRIVES on!! The love that every commercial, retail store, Hallmark card and candy isle exploits starting January 2nd. However, it's the love that can bring out the best and worst emotions in people. It's the romantic love.  Here's the problem with it...everyone's range of love is so different, and when it varies as much as it does, one person will usually end up getting hurt. When you put in emotion to anything you do, whether it's love, work, fitness, a goal, you're going to have ups and downs. When the times are happy, you can feel like you're on cloud 9! The birds are chirping around you, you have that smile that seems to glow and the world seems perfect. The problem is, when the downs happen, it can feel like the world is crashing down. Like nothing is going right in life, and that your life can be an awful thing. Romantic love plays the most mind games...good and bad.

Love is a hard thing, and sometimes finding the balance between love of food, love of friends and love of a partner is a full time job. The emotions will pull you in all directions.  You want to make the friends you love happy, you want nothing more than you make your partner happy, it can be stressful.

So, here's what I'm learning sitting ontop of this mountain, looking at the is, by far, the most powerful emotion humans can have. People live and die for it, and it's something not everyone finds. I look at my parents, my sister and her husband, my grandparents my family and I look at everything they have, the way they look at each other.  When you find love, hold onto it, and hold onto it tight.  If you have that someone, fight for them, let them into your life and don't ever let it just might not get another chance....

 all my loves out there, Happy Valentines Day. Know that each and everyone of you have a piece of my heart. Know that I will always love all of you!