Monday, May 31, 2010

A few of my favorite things

Okay, I've been yelled at the last couple days by a few people for not updating my blog, so I do apologize! We have a new puppy in our lives, so anyone with any new little ones will understand!  So here is a quick update:

I have 6% to lose to join the Army...yeah, no problem! The first step I'm taking is a new running program. It's called "5k 101." I'll be able to run a 5k in merely 7 weeks with this program! Continuing right after this, I am going to do the program called "Hwy to 10K." I WILL be able to run a 10K by the time I go to bootcamp!

To help with this subtracting of 6%, I am on a high protein diet! I know I'm not going to make weight, and I've come to grips with that! So, it's time to focus on my nagging 6%! To do this, I searched high and low for the highest protein, best tasting food! Besides your typical salmon and chicken (which get dull VERY quickly) these are a few of my new snacking list! While they aren't the lowest calorie food, I highly recommend checking these out! They not only have great protein, they have vitamins and nutrients we neglect a lot while we diet!

Without further adue...

This yummy snack has a total of 20 grams of protein!! It will fill you up, and is so yummy!

This bread is amazing!! With 6 grams of protein PER SLICE, I had a grilled cheese lunch the other day with 39 grams of protein!!

Simple, convenient, yummy and pretty darn cheap!

Cottage cheese is so good with everything! One of the best summer snacks? Cottage cheese and tomatoes! Give it a try!

I have to thank my sister for introducing me to this: edamame! Simply, add a little salt, and boom, you have a protein packed appetizer!

It's simple. Fat Free. Tons of protein. Fantastic! Got Milk? (P.S. did you know, women who drink an 8 oz glass of milk after a workout lose MORE weight than those who drink a Poweraide or drink like that!?)

Don't have time for an egg white omelet in the morning? Grab a quick bowl of this! Nummy nummy!!

Finally, sometimes I just don't feel like cooking anything, so I whip this in a blender, toss in a few strawberries or bananas, and you have a great meal to go!! Low cal and high protein!!

So folks, this is my list! If you wonder how much protein to eat to gain lean muscle? Well, it should be about 1 gram of protein per pound! For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should eat 150 grams of protein! It sounds hard, but I promise, just take a few minutes look at a few labels and you can do it too!!

I promise I'll keep  up on this more! Thanks all!  Pictures of the puppies to come too! :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My problem...

Are you done with the jokes yet? Good, because I know you all could go on forever about what my problems are!  Okay, do you know what my problem is when it comes to weight loss?

Here it is, I want it NOW! No, not now, I want it yesterday!! Let's back up a couple days, about a week actually.  I went to the recruiters (I know ya'll read that blog!) and she told me what I had to lose/gain! Tonight I measured myself, and WTF mate, my inner curvy part of my midsection went up! WHAT?! Well, Colin measured me (I love him, but he can't tape females!) and I got frustrated once more!

I know it's not going to come off over night, but gosh do I want it to!!!  I want to be able to walk into that recruiters tomorrow and say "sign me up!"

Psychologically, I know that can't happen, but emotionally I want nothing more at this point! I try to remember what I've done this past year but at times it's just not good enough! Ya know that feeling?? You want something so bad, but there's just one hurdle after another, and boom, you're at the last couple! You think, it's the light at the end, but just a little firefly! You look beyond, and there's a TINY speck that is the light!

Folks, I want to be at that light finally!! Sometimes is just doesn't seem fair! Physically I can do it all, but because I'm an inch too big (literally, an inch!) I can't do it!

So that, my friends, is my problem! I'll get there soon, I know I will, but man this ride is getting bumpy and quite narrow as we reach the top of this mountain!

(P.S. please excuse all the metaphors this go-round!)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Exercise...a few added bonuses!!

Sure, working out is good for your health, but you might be surprised to learn a few other things!

Be Happier at Work.  Exercise helps clear your mind, therefore allowing you to check a few more things off your to do list!

Improve Your Vocabulary. Exercisers who ran just two 3-minute sprints, with a 2-minute break in between, learned new words 20% faster than those who rested, in a University of Muenster in Germany study.

Get Natural Pain Relief. "It may seem counterintuitive, but rest isn't necessarily best for reducing pain and stiffness in the knees, shoulders, back, or neck. Healthy adults who did aerobic activity consistently had 25% less musculoskeletal pain than their couch-bound peers, says Stanford senior research scientist Bonnie Bruce, DrPH, MPH, RD."

Feel Sexy at Any Size. The simple act of exercising-regardless of your weight or fitness level-can make you feel positive about how you look, possibly due to the release of feel-good hormones!

Lower Dental Bills. Adults who did 30 minutes of moderate activity 5 or more times a week were 42% less likely to suffer from periodontitis, a gum disease that's more common as you get older. Working out may thwart periodontitis the same way it does heart disease--by lowering levels of inflammation-causing C-reactive protein in the blood.

Shrink Stress Fat. The waistline of those who worked out less expanded an average of 3 inches. Exercise may lower levels of hormones such as cortisol that promotes belly fat. 

Slash Cold Risk 33%. Moderate exercise doesn't just rev your metabolism--it boosts your immune system, too, helping your body fight off cold bugs and other germs. Women ages 50 to 75 who did 45 minutes of cardio, 5 days a week, had a third as many colds as those who did once-weekly stretching sessions.

Improve Vision. What's good for your heart is good for your eyes. An active lifestyle can cut your risk of age-related macular degeneration by up to 70%.

Reach the Deep-Sleep Zone. Say good night to poor sleep. Women age 60 and older who walked or danced for at least an hour, four times a week, woke up half as often and slept an average 48 minutes more a night than sedentary women.

Never Get Diabetes. Walking 2 miles 5 times a week may be more effective at preventing diabetes than running nearly twice as much. Because fat is the primary fuel for moderate exercise, walking may better improve the body's ability to release insulin and control blood sugar.

Add Years to Your Life. Being physically fit can actually change how your body works. Vigorous exercisers have longer telomeres-cellular biomarkers that shorten as we age-compared with healthy adults who rarely work out.

So if you wern't inspired before, here are a few extra motivators for you to get up and go!! So head out and start enjoying this great summer weather!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Out of all the bad habits, create a good one...

This article was found on the Star Tribune website, and it's so true, the best way to exercise, is to make it a habit!

Make exercise one of your habits

Get rid of the excuses, and come up with a plan in which working out is not negotiable.

You just got home from work and you're sitting on the couch, pondering your next move. "I should exercise," you think. But you don't feel like it.

You argue with yourself for a while and, finally, give in and click on the TV. This goes on for a few days, and suddenly it seems impossible to get back to your fitness regime. Why is this?
The sad fact is that it's easier not to exercise than to exercise, and once you've fallen off that exercise bike, it can be hard to get back on.

"They miss one day, and then they fall into their old habits again," says Jeanine Rutt, a personal trainer with a practice in Clifton Park, N.Y. Good habits take a long time to build, and in the beginning, you're particularly susceptible to returning to your old ways, she says.

Building good habits takes consistency, says Ben Luke, wellness director for the Albany and North Albany YMCA in Albany, N.Y. Start slowly, work out at least a few times a week, and build it into your routine, he advises.

But what if you're tired or you don't feel like going to the gym? Excuses not to work out are easy to find, Rutt says. The solution is to make exercise a non-negotiable part of your week. It doesn't matter if you're tired, stressed or busy; you still have to make time to exercise, she says.

"There's no easy answer," Rutt says. "Some people can do it and some people can't, and it really depends on how bad they want it."

Another big reason people fail is unrealistic exercise plans, Luke says. Some people are happier swimming, walking, taking a class or joining a basketball team. The secret is to find the activity that works for you.

When designing your exercise plan, think about what kind of help you might need. Some people are fine on their own, and some need supervision to stay on track, Rutt says. Having an exercise buddy or a personal trainer will help you stay focused and keep you accountable. Exercise logs and food journals are another way to keep yourself honest.

People also falter because of exercise burn-out, approaching exercise like a sprint instead of a long-distance run. The answer is to start with a small, manageable routine, Luke says. If the regime is too hard to accomplish, you won't stick with it.

Now that you know why you fell, it's time to get back in the exercise habit.
Make time. Once you've missed a day or two at the gym, other appointments suddenly crowd that slot and vie for your attention.
"People have to pencil in exercise, just like every other daily happening," says Joanne LeBel, aerobics director for Best Fitness Gym in Schenectady and Albany.

Let go of the guilt. Look at the big picture, Luke says. "I remember what someone once said to me: 'It's not that hard to get in shape; it's hard to stay in shape.'" It takes a lifetime, and odds are this won't be the only time you make a misstep.

Just do it. The hardest thing to do is to walk through the gym door or put on your sneakers and hit the pavement. Once you've done that, the rest is easier. That's because exercise feels good. It relieves stress and anxiety, and chances are you'll feel better than you would if you were sitting on the couch at home.

So get up and go people!! Let's make this our new habit!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Right Recruiter...

I realized today, my excitement for the military radiates a lot through the people I surround myself with!

Approximately one week ago, I was ready to quit, I didn't WANT to, but I thought it was my only option! *FLASHBACK!* Walked into the recruiters office, phones ringing like crazy, no recruiter in site, and out comes the one female of the office, Sgt. Todd.  So finally, 20 minutes after getting there, she comes strolling out and here is the conversation

Sgt Todd: "yes?"
Me: "I'm here to turn in the paper work Sgt. Morris requested!"
Sgt Todd: "What papers?"
Me: The ones I need for entrance to the Army
Sgt Todd: "have you been measured?"
Me: (standing in jeans, a football jersey, and 3 additional layers) ""
Sgt. Todd: "Okay, come here"
Me: "huh?"
Sgt Todd: "well we're going to have to do it anyway!"
Me: "okay!"

We walk back to the bathroom so she can measure me (note: to get needed measurements, they take neck, waste and hips...yeah, great, huh!?) She takes MAYBE 2 minutes to do it. That includes weight that she made me do myself. She is supposed to weigh me, and double check measurements. I came out and Colin was like "that's it?!"    So, she put my quick measurements into the computer and came out with a piece of paper..

Sgt Todd: "Here you go."
Me: "What does this mean?"
Sgt Todd: "You can't get in."

At this point, the only thought in my head was "WHAT THE F**K!?! I just spent a year plus getting into shape and you simply say I can't get in!?"  Well, as I found out, it wasn't in my head, and apparently A LOT more came out too. I was PISSED to say the least!!

Well, with my typical 24 hour turn around, and some help from my wonderful facebook pals and a few kind texts and calls, my attitude was back on top!!

So I walked into a different recruiters office today. YES, the recruiter makes HUGE difference!! To be honest, the measurements were not a whole lot different, but their attitudes were above and beyond what I thought would be. They wanted to help, and they were excited to help, and they KNOW I'm going to get in, and look great on their resume! :)

Basically, what I learned from this whole experience, is I cannot let one stupid person get me down! I gotta take the bulls by the horns and not let anyone stop me, 'cus obviously, as we all see, there are some who will try. Bring um on!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Some of these just don't belong...

Have you ever had the feeling that things just aren't how they're supposed to be?? I'm sitting here tonight, cruising facebook, and something just doesn't feel right anymore.  I don't long for a 9 to 5 job, I don't want to have a house with a white picket fence, I don't have 2.5 children and I really can't see myself in a mini-van, I don't want to vacuum with a string of pearls around my neck. If that's the life some choose, awesome, it's just not me, and it's not how I was raised!  The life that I have tonight feels so temporary and it's starting to get me just a wee bit down!

Don't get me wrong, I love my friends, and my family, I love being an Army Wife, but I'm sick of it at the same time.  I'm at the point where I have a knot in my stomach constantly, it won't go away!!  You know that feeling, again I know I've said it, that it's just not right anymore.

I know this has NOTHING to do with my weight loss per-say, it's just things I need to get off my chest every once and a while!  I know the people who are truly friends will still be here when I come back, and it's vice versa, but dude, it's time to move on for a while! Maybe 12 weeks away from everything is WHAT I need, so I guess it's time to kick it back up! I WILL get that 9% down and good luck to anyone who tries to stop me and tell me otherwise...

Thanks for listening to my random ramblings! :)