Monday, November 25, 2013

Conversations with a higher power

Whether you believe in a higher being or not, sometimes there are some things that happen that you just can't explain.  I love that show "Long Island Medium" I admit it.  I'm also a complete believer in mediums and that there are some people who are able to communicate with the other side.  One of the things she said on the show that stuck with me is that our loved ones on the other side are constantly trying to find ways to show us they're around. One of the ways in which they do that is through our electronics. They'll flicker lights, cause weird sounds, all the way up to having certain songs come up that reminds you of them. Being that I was so close to my Poppop, I am always looking for ways to reconfirm that he's always here with me.

Today is no exception. When I woke up, I had that "Cups" song stuck in my head...ya know that one from that "Pitch Perfect" movie? It's a catchy tune!  I got my breakfast ready, like I do everyday.  I make my egg whites, sit on my couch and catch up on my gossip TV...aka Good Morning America.  Being completely uninterested, I flipped through the channels. Hitting HBO, "Pitch Perfect" was on.  I was like, whoa! So, I flipped it on, and it was the audition scene where she sang it.  "Well that was weird" I thought to myself, and went along my merry way.

I begin driving to work, the song still stuck in my head, after all it is QUITE catchy, and I'm listening to my country music.  In the mood to flip, I turn to another channel and what song comes on, but "Cups!" WHAT THE HECK!? Okay, just too weird. I had a chuckle thinking...this must be a crazy coincidence.

Several hours later, I get my dinner break.  I'm on my 24 hour shift so my breaks are in no way calculated. I go home, watch a little TV, take the dog out to go to the bathroom, shut everything down and hustle back into the car because, well, it's darn cold out. I turn my car on, again to my country station.  Something in me told me to turn the station once more, so I did.  I'll give you one guess as to what song came on the radio....yes..."CUPS!" 

Now, I like anyone like to be skeptical (okay not really!) but  I wake up with this happy song in my head, the movie begins to play, and then I hear it TWO more times through the day??  The last time it came on was just way too weird for me.  At that point I had to stop and have a conversation with whomever was listening. I don't know if it's my Poppop or someone else, but all I know is there is a pot beginning to stir up there. Things are quickly falling into place and life's puzzle is coming together.  Sure, there are a quite few missing pieces still, but those will come with time...after all, I have at least another 80 years to get into some trouble and put it all together.

So, always remember, no matter HOW you may be feeling, you're never alone.  And no matter what is happening, just talk. You may feel like you're talking to yourself, but I promise you, you're not.  You don't have to be religious, you don't have to be spiritual, but there are way too many "coincidences" in life to be coincidental. Take some time, sit down to examine your life.  Begin to take notice at the signs your loved ones might be shooting your way.  It's not an accident. Just stop and have a conversation....

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Life's Lessons

I'm coming up on my 29th year on this Earth. While some say I'm still young, and if you count my rings I am, however, for those who know me, know I have an "old soul." I am all about the old fashioned things in life.  I love a picnic in the park, a drive into the country, star gazing, long conversations and the simple things, away from technology with friends or loved ones.  The other thing I appreciate is sound advice.  I'm getting to the age where I get to dish it, and because I'm "old" it sounds pretty wise.

In my short few years on this Earth, however my many experiences, here are some of the lessons I've learned that I like to take to heart when it comes to work, fitness, friendship and love:

1. Don't die wondering.  If there's something that means the world to you and you let it slip through your fingers, you're doing something wrong.  There's a lot of things that we can say "what if" about, but don't let something you love escape. Whether it's a job opportunity or a person, don't give that "wonder" a chance.

2. When one door closes, it's shut! So, why do we keep trying to go back to something that failed? There's a reason it failed.  However, that doesn't mean another opportunity won't come from that slammed door. For about 10 years  I went in circles, constantly trying to go back through that shut door thinking, maybe this time through, things will be different.  Finally, I realized it never would happen.  When I walked away, and kept walking, not only did I find a window, I found a window of a million opportunities!

3. You're not that important, what you DO is what counts.  As an individual I'm nothing. I know this.  However, how I live I life, how I respect people, how I work hard at my job, and how I love with all my heart, THAT is what people will remember when I die.  You can make the arguments that those actions ARE me, but are they? If I stopped doing what I do, what would people remember?  Not me, but what I did.

4. Everything matters, but nothing matters that much.  These last few months have been riddle with headaches, heartaches, money issues, friend issues, you name it, and it's probably been a problem.  What I've discovered is...are you ready for this? No matter how bad things may seem, the sun comes up the next day, I get to start over (sometimes for good, sometimes for bad) No matter what happens, I have people in my corner, both here on Earth and somewhere else in the cosmos, pulling me up. Yeah, it's a problem not being able to put gas in my car two days before pay day.  However, I have a car, and worst case, I get extra exercise.

5. You always have more options than you think you have.  Have you ever done those corn mazes, when you get stuck at a dead end and there seems to be nothing? Well, you can turn around, or you can cut through the middle! Why not?  Options are never black and white, and many times aren't easy. But there's always more than you think there are.

6. One’s only ambition in life should be to be happy. Nothing else matters.  If you're not happy what's the point in living?  Make what you do fun, and have fun with what you do.  It's pretty simple. Be happy.  Life is WAY too short to not be.

7. Take criticism constructively, not personally and see it as an opportunity to improve yourself.  Day after day I get lectured as to what I'm doing wrong.  It can get tiring, but if I take what is said to heart, I have the chance to become an even better version of what I am. Don't take it personally, just fix it!

8. Face my fear.  Holy crap, it's the hardest thing to do. I've seen this happen though to people who never thought they could accomplish certain tasks.  Basic training, I had a battle who was TERRIFIED of heights and we had the tower coming up. It took a lot of talking, a lot of coaching and A LOT Of cheering, but in the end, she did it. The pride she had after, I WAS excited for her.  Many times it's not a physical fear, rather emotional.  I spent 10 years with the same person, and when I realized it was wrong, I had to say goodbye.  I've never really been alone or on my own, in my life! I was terrified.  I've never been away from home much, never said a final goodbye to anyone.  Now, I moved a few states away from everything I've ever known.  Where I was comfortable.  But I faced my fear, packed my car, and left.  There are still some days where I wonder if I made the right decision, but I know that someday I won't be alone, but I'm no longer afraid to be.

9. If you're not making mistakes you're doing something wrong.  Oh my gosh, I must be doing EVERYTHING right then. I make SOO many mistakes. I open my mouth when I shouldn't, I do things I REALLY shouldn't, but I learn. Everyday. Okay., if you're not making mistakes and NOT learning from them, then yeah, you're still doing something wrong! So learn from it all.

10. Finally, live everyday like it's your last. Cliché, maybe, but SO true.  Tell people how you feel, and don't waste time with people you don't like. This is a hard one.  However I think one of the most important.  There have been times when I'll get home and I'll say to myself "why did I just spend two hours with someone I really don't like?"  I could have been spending even just ONE hour with someone who makes me happy.  A lot of times there are circumstances, like distance, that deters you from getting to be with who you really want to be with. In that case, go on an adventure! Discover a new place. Find a new "thinking" spot, contemplate the world and solve all the issues!! Whatever you do, when your head hits that pillow at night, be able to tell yourself that you did everything in your power to make your life better. Let yourself smile, and let yourself be happy!

There are SO many things that I've learned in these 29 years on Earth.  To sum it up, the most important happy! Life isn't anything if you can't, the last piece of advice... whatever your goals, whatever makes you happy... "JUST DO IT!"