Thursday, December 13, 2012


I feel really sorry for 2013.  Why? Because 2012 was such an amazing year, it has really big shoes to fill.  As Christmas approaches, that means the new year is right around the corner.   The year of the dragon is going to be the year I talk about to my grandkids. Thanks to Facebook, I've been able to relive my last 365 (give or take a few) days.  To make it easy, this is the recap of the year.

1. Races. I started with this merely because, on January 1st, I ran a nice easy 5k, the Polar Dash.  My streak of Team Ortho races continued.  I completed the Get Lucky 7k...then finally concluded the fall with the Monster Dash half marathon!!! This was one of the dreams I got to cross off of my dream board, half marathon...check!

2. The birth of my nephew (Rachel, I'm going in semi chronological order...he's #1 in my heart!) The birth of August Frederic Scherer is the biggest and most wonderful event of 2012!!!  This baby, while he's only about 11 months old, has made me fall so in love with him!! I would do anything for Auggie and I cannot wait to see him grow up and see what he is going to become!! How lucky of him to be able to be raised in a family of so many opportunities! He's going to not only have a wonderful upbringing with his education and home, but he will ALWAYS, ALWAYS be loved, no matter where he goes, or what he does!!


3. Auggie's baptism.  I know with the birth this should be included, but this was a big deal. I was so honored to be there and get to see the welcoming into his church family, I thought it was a big event all in itself!!  And yeah, he didn't even cry!! The world is SO blessed to have August in it, and I think he knows it already! :) 

4. Tough Mudder and Warrior Dash. I got to complete these two challenges with an amazing group of people.  First, Tough Mudder.  This was absolutely the hardest obstacle course I've ever done!!  I was lucky enough to complete it with two women who kicked my butt along the way! They wouldn't let me quit, they never gave up.  They helped me conquer TWO fears...we got through the obstacles together!!   Later that summer, I also had the chance to run the Warrior Dash with a crazy group of ladies (and one Norman!) We crossed the finish line together and was a feat that none of us will ever forget!!

5. Amazing Ambush makeover.  Okay, how could I NOT include something this amazing?!? The wonderful ladies of Norman's Next Level Bootcamp, all were in on this crazy secret! I was jumped (okay, not really jumped...rather ambushed!) at bootcamp and was given a total makeover!! I went back to the red which I've always loved, I discovered that I was kinda cute actually, and what I learned most, is that I have the BEST group of friends in women who I never thought I'd ever have anything in common with.  These women are crazy awesome, and I thank God every day that they were put in my life!!

6. The Minnesota Twins. The summer of 2012, I'm gonna talk to my grandkids about the summer I got to work for the Minnesota Twins!! I've never worked for an organization that treated their employees better than the Twins.  Not only that, the people who work for them are top notch.  I made so many new friends and experienced a bond that I've never gotten to before.  We all work for a place that we have a passion for, and always will!!  Not only did I meet a ton of new folks, I got to work with my own pops, too! :)

7. Tampa Bay vs. MN Vikings game.  Sorry Vikings fans ahead of time!  Yes, the Buccaneers DOMINATED at the dome!! Not only that, but I got to meet Josh Freeman (again) I met a man who works for the Bucs who is gonna not only get me a tour of Raymond James in Tampa, not only did he get me a flag to fly in MN, not only did he get me a Ronde Barber autograph, but he is giving me the chance to MEET RONDE BARBER!! Seriously...yay 2012, FO SHO!!               

8. Next to the birth of August, came the biggest event of all.  The one I've been waiting and working so hard for, for almost four years. I ENLISTED INTO THE UNITED STATES ARMY. If you didn't hear, I'm going in as a 35F, Intelligence Analyst. Basically, I'm going to know a lot of stuff ahead of time and can't tell anyone! I am so excited! I will be leaving in late February for basic training at Fort Jackson South Carolina. From there I'll be heading to Arizona for 17 weeks to learn my job.  I have no idea where from there, but hey, that's part of the mystery!

SO...there was SO much more.  All the amazing people I've met, events like the State Fair and family gatherings.  2013 is right around the corner and I for one, am anxious to see what it may bring!! Merry Christmas to you and your families and may your New Year be blessed, exciting and EVERYTHING you want it to be!!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I found the other side of the rainbow...

For the last 3 years, 10 months and 5 days (but who's counting), I've been dreaming of how I was going to write this blog.  What would I say? How would it feel?

Well, the day has arrived!! I made tape today!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT (Okay, yes I can, but it's a bit like a dream.)   I have one more little hoop to jump through which should be solved tomorrow.  (I know it'll go through, 'cus I've taken care of it once before.) As soon as I do that, I get my waiver from the Army, then I, Cara Ann Berg Rainey, get to swear in!!  UUFDAH! I never thought I'd get to this day.

Let me start. Since the day after Thanksgiving, I've been on a STRICT diet.  I've been working everyday, focusing on every bite, watching every calorie I burn! It's been the longest two weeks of my life!!  The end result: I was only 4 pounds over the limit, HOWEVER, I was 2% under my needed body fat percentage.  This was definitely a record for me. I worked hard for that 2% my friends! Now, time to focus on losing these last pounds so maybe, just maybe, I won't have to tape again! :)

So, anyway, I'm on cloud 9 tonight. There's no real way to describe it right now.

Well, there it is.  I feel like, if I can achieve my dream, why oh why can't you? Well, you can! No matter what it takes, never ever give up guys!!