Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Random Thoughts

In the last week or so I've had about a million thoughts going through my head.  So rather than keeping them all bottled up inside, I would share them with you here.  After all isn't that the point of this thing?

First, I've developed a new pet peeve...when you help someone out with something and they don't say "hey thanks!" I think that's all anyone every really wants when helping out. I mean how difficult is it really? Especially when it's a favor that does take time can you please just be like "ya know, I appreciate it!" It makes people feel good, and it makes them feel like they did something right in the day.

I have a kanker sore, and it hurts. I want it to go away. Now.

Loud, rude children annoy the heck out of me.  Parents need to learn to control their mutts in public places.

I'm starting my individual boxing lessons soon. In about 3 month I get my first bout. I gotta find some really groovy wraps...I'm thinking some camo wraps.  Yes.  Camo.

I need to get my dogs flee and tick stuff.  We've found about 6 ticks already this Spring, between Tony and Spike.

I got a mosquito bite! The first one of the has arrived!

Summer is coming and I am really hoping and praying that I'm gonna get these last three inches off of me.  They're hanging on like a bad cold holds on in winter.  SOOOO dang close and I think that's my problem.  If I stay exactly where I am I'll be able to enlist in December.  Do you know how frustrating it is??!! UGH!

Basically, who are we kidding, those three inches are what's on my mind all the time.  As much as children who are rude, as well as people who are ungrateful have been driving me nuts, I feel like my life is consumed by the number three.  Am I under eating? Am I over eating? Am I exercising too much?  Should I run more? Should I focus on my core?  Should I listen to this person or that person? All these things running through my head.  Time will tell, as will the summer, but man it's frustrating.

Well, those are my random thoughts of the week.  Thanks for reading! :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

One month strong

Well, as you all know I just completed my 28 day diet. The results were awesome and I felt SO good when I was done.  I was feeling SO good about what I had done that somehow my wonderful husband convinced me to stop into a recruiter's office to just have a "chit-chat."  Little did I know that, what I thought was going to be a five minute conversation turned into a 45 minute dialogue.  When I got done talking with SFC Frantz, I felt SO good, better than usual, about where I'm standing.

Being that he's the Army's equivalent to a nutritionist he reassured me that what I was doing on the diet was what I NEEDED to enlist.  While we were talking he had me measure myself (being that he was a male, he wasn't able to.) according to the measurements, I only have three more inches to lose! (Yeah, I thought I was one, but that's a whole other story, heehee!)  Never the less, last month on the 28 day I lost a total of 5 inches, 3 of which were in my waist (where I needed to actually lose!)

Here's my game plan: after consulting Kelly, I got the okay to do a modified version of the 28 day diet. Being that I need to integrate the fats back into my body, I am going to do three days on the weeks 1-3 plan, then one day of the week 4 plan.  Not only that, I'm back to full health so I'm heading back to muay-thai tonight after my bootcamp this morning!

I am SO close I can taste it! If I stick to this plan folks, I could possibly be where I need by June!!! However, I'm not counting my chickens this go round, my goal is three inches by the end of the summer. That gives me about 3 and a half months! Of course I want to get there before that, but I have to be realistic, too!

Oh, and the other news about me joining, I decided to go enlisted for three years first. As nice as the money would be to get OCS pay right away, if I can "be in the trenches" for a while first, I'll be a better Officer and soldier in the future.  The other benefit, which makes a lot of sense, is simply, enlisted have more fun! If I go in right as an officer, I won't get to have the fun the enlisteds do! The competition for OCS enlistment is hard! You have to be the best of the best, right off the bat. To be honest, I just want to get my foot in that darn door!

So anywho, that's what's happening. I have one month to be strong, and as I keep telling myself: what's one month to the rest of my life?!

OH, P.S. I did my first 5k yesterday and it went GREAT!!! When I finished I felt like I could go farther!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

28 days and the start of Lt. Rainey

Wow! I can't believe it! Another 28 day diet has come to an end! Like the first one, I would call it a total success!! The results are in:

Total weight loss: 11 pounds (exactly the same as last time)
Total inches lost: 5 inches, 3 of which were around my belly!!!

You know what that means folks??!! I'M ONLY ABOUT 1 INCH AWAY FROM GETTING TO ENLIST!!!!! I never, ever thought I would get this close to my goals. When Kelly took my measurements on Monday I didn't know what to expect. I was thinking maybe one or two total. But no...I lost FIVE!! I can tell after this that my pants are fitting better, my energy is getting back up and my outlook is just generally better! I don't think there are enough words to explain how grateful I am to have found this "Body-fit Bootcamp!" All the people there, especially Kelly, keeps me motivated and they all truly believe I CAN reach my goals and that I will!! I'm reaching new heights that I never thought I would!!

One of my big accomplishments this diet go round happened on Sunday. I ran a good 7 mile run, with under a 10 minute mile! What makes this more exciting, is that it's only my third run of the season! :) I'm running my first official 5k on Sunday, mother's day, for the breast cancer walk!  From here on, I'm signed up for one 5k a month during the summer, starting the training for the half marathon!

One of my favorite things during my runs, is not listening to great music, but it's getting a lot of time to think.  Through this last jaunt, I thought a lot about my past. I really started to think about where I was two years ago. Two years ago I was at 250 pounds and a size 14 to 16 pant! If someone suggested running, I merely laughed and asked to which malt shop we were running to?? Now I'm down to 175 with a lot of muscle! I'm at a size 6 pant, which is already getting loose!! On my trek I ran by what was once Golds Gym. I thought about how, walking in there one day and Norman saying "Welcome to our dysfunctional family," changed my whole life!!! When I went in there, I wanted to lose a few pounds! NEVER did I think I'd be joining the military, boxing people in the ring and now helping other people reach their goals!!! It really goes to show you, that they journey of a thousand miles, really does begin with a single step!

What else is new you ask? Well I have an interview on Thursday for a "Wellness Coach" position. Basically I would help encourage people in their weightloss/gain (yeah, there are some who want to gain!) and nutrition goals! How wonderful!! I love helping people and now I get to help many!!

All in all, among the ups and downs, I'd say these last weeks were very successful! Help me out folks...I only have ONE MORE INCH then I get to live my dreams and FINALLY, after two years, become Lt. Rainey...yeah, it has a great ring to it!!