Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Good times, bad times. Good friends, better friends.

When I was working out today, I realized this whole workout/diet/joining the military thing, has been the biggest ride of my life thus far! It's been a year and 8 months, and I'm STILL going!  A lot of the reason I'm still able to keep on, is because of the strong people I have in my life!!

The biggest and one of the most influential all my friends who have stood by me through anything and everything!! They've been there when I was fat, and they'll be there when I'm fit. Diets can make people moody, yeah, but they've been there when I was grumpy as hell and when I got over it, they didn't resent me!  (Believe me, I know I've been moody, and cranky! You go 6 months without a bite of real pizza, and we'll see how thrilled you are!) The best of the best have proven to me who will always stay by my side!  There were times when I just wanted to hide from the world, and they hid right next to me, then got my butt out the door!  The true friends are the ones there when it's the hardest to be a friend!

Then I have people in my life who, when it's convenient, they'll be a friend. When it's time for their life to say it's okay to be a friend, they will.  And that's fine, we all know people in our lives like that.  Not every person who comes into our lives will stay there! It happens, and we can't expect every person on our Facebook to be our kins for life!! 

Friendship is a two way road, and to those friends who have been and will stay in my life, I would do anything for you guys!!  You guys motivate me every single day, to get up, to live life to the fullest and keep reaching my goals! And I hope you all know that the day you reach yours, I'm gonna be there for you too! Whether it's graduating from college or bootcamp.  Whether it's celebrating marriages or births, you're never getting rid of me! :)

“Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.”
         - Mark Twain

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