Friday, November 5, 2010

"Never Never Never Give Up"

I think you could classify THIS week, as a pure week from Hell.  Monday, my student canceled, so I was supposed to have a 3 hour shift, I got one.  I went to the dentist to fix my wisdom teeth instead of getting them pulled, and found out I had to get them pulled anyway! This of course was AFTER they drilled all four of them!  I got scammed out of $1800 (and the bank won't help out AT ALL!) My little lizard, Tiny, passed away. And best yet, I went to the recruiter to find out, I lost weight, I lost inches in my hips, neck AND waste, but according to their system I GAINED BODY FAT!! Why? Simply because I lost weight in my neck! UGH!!

So as you can see, just...bad! Well, of course on Facebook we all share everything! Life has no secrets.  As I posted my Army results I had one person leave a message simply saying "That sucks, I guess it's not meant to be."  Well, that got me thinking....a lot!  Why haven't I quit?  If people quit everytime things got hard, where would the world be?  And is it really that easy for people to quit on things?

I don't know about you, but my parents always taught me to not quit, and when things got hard to keep pressing on.  I think there's something to the saying, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.  The odds feel like they're constantly building up against me, but who cares!?  The sun came up today and odds are, it will tomorrow too.  If I let one thing keep me down, 10 years from now, what am I going to tell my children? "Well kids, mom had a dream, but because things got hard, she quit!" Umm, no.

Since I've been young, I've prided myself on getting back on the horse  and very quickly.  So, I had my 10 minutes of feeling sorry for myself, but now I've turned it all around again!

On a strict VERY LOW carb diet, doing a hard core bootcamp 3 days a week at 5:45 am on top of an hour of cardio 6 days a week. I now might have another job, making it 3, to help make up some lost funds that were stolen and taken away at Huntington. And as for my Tiny, well he's up chasing cricketts with Willy and Lilly!  So yeah, things got hard, but if you sit and mope around, nothing is gonna happen!

My advice to anyone out there who is going through a hard time, just get over it! What good is it to sit and feel sorry?  Well, it's no good!

So onto the next chapter my friends! It's too early to's always too early to quit!

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