Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's the small things

Since Colin has been home from his deployment I've gone down hill.  I stopped REALLY counting. It was more of an estimate as to how many calories.  Turned out it was getting towards the 2000 plus side.  My clothes were starting to not fit quite right but I thought it was just 'cus of bloating...for 6 months.  I was making just about every excuse I could think of.

Then something just clicked! Maybe it was joining a new gym, maybe it was the looming end of money matters. I have no idea, but for the last month I have been going hard core! Well, honestly, since the surgery I have been pushing myself to new limits!! I've been going to bed early and getting up MUCH earlier.  In that time, I workout for an hour and half, take my pups for a walk, and get all my daily affairs in order.  All of this before I ever used to even wake up.

Life has done a complete 180! In this last month, my weight has started going back down! It's ALMOST to the point to where I was when I greeted Colin (yeah, I gained about 20 pounds since he's been home) I'm back down to my size 8 pants, and there's even wiggle room!! I've lost 2 inches in my waist and losing quickly in my hips (Oh those blasted hips!!)  And even better, I'm feeling so confident I'm almost ready to take a step back into the recruiters office!!

They aren't major accomplishments, it's simply getting back into the mindset as to where I was before, but that part is huge. With this renewed sense of dedication, it's merely a small amount of time until I get to that final step...FINALLY!!!

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