Tuesday, October 5, 2010


As I was working out today I was watching Ellen. With the recent spikes of teen suicides lately, due to bullying, she has been on a kick of trying to inspire kids to be able to rise above what they've been going through! If you haven't seen the video, I highly suggest you watching it:

 Ellen on Bullying

With all of this that has been happening, I can't help but think about what life was like when I was younger.  Sure, we all were teased, but there are some of us who got more of the brunt than others.  I remember my experience starting in kindergarten.   I was at a daycare, a place where a kid is supposed to feel safe and feel welcome.  Well I felt neither at this place.  The owner had a daughter who harassed me to no extent.  She did things that are beyond illegal, and I'm happy to say the woman lost her license.  While yeah, she lost it, I STILL think about what Annie did to me (yup, I still remember her name, and her face, and if she walked into a room right now, I promise you, her face wouldn't look the same as when she got in!)  She gave me a wound that no matter what I do, it will never leave me!!

With that being the start of my school career, we'll say my school career was less than desirable. I had very few friends in elementary school, I was a social outcast.  People would make fun of anything I did, whether it was what I was wearing, or eating at lunch.  Maybe it was how I ran or answering wrong questions.  With how I felt, it led to a lot of emotional eating, WHICH, in turn led to a big weight gain.

Then I got into the dreaded middle school! LIFE...WAS....HELL!!!! I was a terrbile student, I was fat, ugly, gross, and I heard it every single day from SO many people! Yeah, I could name THEM too, but I won't!  I remember so many times, coming home and never ever wanting to go back to school!! My first day of 8th grade, I remember coming off the bus bauling my eyes out, swearing I would never ever return!!  Unfortunatly, I did!

Highschool, I found some friends, but again, there were so many times I had to walk down those long halls, by myself with people behind me, snickering and laughing and pointing!  HIGH SCHOOL. Yeah, kids were just damn mean!!

Then college, this was meant to be a brand new start! FINALLY for the first time in my ENTIRE school career, I felt safe! I felt like I belonged!! I made some of my best friends, and I learned who I was! I learned that I was smart and people liked me!  They were adults who knew how to treat others! It was amazing! 

So basically, with all this rambling, what I'm tryin to say is, if you know someone who is being bullied, tell them it will be all right!! Life goes on, and the losers who were bullies are doing nothing in their lives, and we, the bullied, rise above it!

So to you bullies I had to deal with: THANK YOU!! Because of you I gained the confidence I needed and became a success in college! I have such a wonderful husband who loves me for everything I am and have to offer! I have the best family, and have 2 great dogs! Because of you, I have lost 70 pounds and continue to live MY dreams! I am going to be an Officer in the U.S. Army, and I get to see the world! And what are you doing? I'm betting still picking on the little guys! Well guys, have fun with that, I'm gonna go live a good life!! :)

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