Monday, October 11, 2010

Giving Thanks

In the last two days, it seems like Thanksgiving has been a constant theme.  Canada got to celebrate their turkey day, and yeah, I actually went back to church on Sunday! (p.s. I think I'm going to go more again!)  Anyway, in his sermon our pastor said people who are greatful everyday have less stress, sleep better, and are just generally happier!!  So, taking his advice, I am going to start a "great, full journal" aka, a journal full of things that are great in my life!! 

So here my friends, is why I, Cara Ann, am greatful:
- I am married to a WONDERFUL man
- I have 2 parents who will help me with anything and listen to whatever problem I may have
- My friends are just amazing!!!  I have SEVERAL girlfriends who I would give my life for, and after college, I never thought I would find that again!!
- I have a roof over my head, food in my belly and just a couple bucks in my wallet, enough for an ice cream cone at DQ!
- I get to cuddle with two wonderful puppies every single night!
- There are people all over the world cheering me on to my road to get to OCS.
- I have a body where I can be active, and run and jump and do anything I want!

Ya know, I could keep going and going about how greatful I am for everything, but I think Mr. Bing Crosby can say it better than I ever could:

So remember, count your blessings tonight, and know that I am including all of you in my counting of my blessings! 

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