Wednesday, December 29, 2010

4 days, and counting- D DAY

If you're wondering, no I'm not going to be storming any beaches, D-Day stands for, in the diet world "DO-IT" day!  It's the day that will begin it all again!  D-day is when I am starting my transformation from casual diet, to do it or die, diet!

Let me back up a bit.  Starting Sunday, Colin and I are doing a 28 day cleanse together.  You may remember that from previous blogs.  However, not only that, we're both going to start hard core workouts.  Colin has the opportunity to go AGR, to do so, however, he needs a recent passed PT test on his record.  Well, his unit sucks and they haven't given one since his deployment!  He takes one in February, and as long as he passes that, we'll be an AGR family!

As for me, well, you guys know my goals.  I've decided to...reduce it a bit.  My goal is 30 pounds by April 15. That's about 17 weeks, so a little less than 2 pounds a week!! Like I said...D-day!! To prepare ourselves for this event, Colin and I took some drastic measures!! We are starting ALL over.  We're cleaning out all our old food, we gave a ton to food shelves, and setting up "goals" all over the apartment, to constantly remind ourselves what we're doing this for.  Here are just a couple examples of our doings:

These shelves used to be filled with cereal, pastas, and just about an processed food possible:

 We also got rid of a lot of baking goods, like bad oils, syrups, etc, and now we're going to stock with LOTS of spices and goodies!!

Oh baron fridge, you shall soon be stocked with chicken and turkey, white fishes and lots of colorful veggies!!

And finally, this is MY personal motivation! I carry this everywhere to remind myself WHY I'm doing what I'm doing!!  Looks good, doesn't it??

Well, this is just the begining.  I am gonna do my best to blog each day about this 28 day challenge, with the struggles and the successes.  Let's hope for more successes!! :)

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