Thursday, December 30, 2010

Accessories to the top

I think part of what will make these next 28 successful is the accessories that go along with it all! Besides the support of all you wonderful people, sometimes it takes that couple extra "oomfs" to get it all to the top!  Well, here are going to be my little minions on this journey:
NO, silly, not that kind of minion...although it would be awesome! :)

The first of my accessories is my "always fresh" containers. These will keep my freshly cut veggies easy at hand, so I can grab and go!!

The next wonderful handy tool is my Britta Water Filter, in the fancy green, I may add! My goal is to have to fill this up every single day, maybe two or three times if need be!

George Forman, in the world of convenience, this thing is a master.  Cooks all around in about 5 minutes! Chicken, fish, out!!

OOO, nothing makes me want to get up and exercise more than new stylin' kicks!! My fancy new, childrens size 5, Zig Techs are pretty much amazing! SO comfortable and is so much easier on the joints than regular shoes! Thank you Reebok!

The sign I see as I leave the door and head into the world! Wise words!  Attempt to do what you think you can''ll be surprised!

Even just leaving the bedroom takes that first step!

One thing I have to do now, is learn to really cook with spices.  I know my garlic, basil and a few others, but this will be an amazing opportunity to try it out!  Who wants dinner??

I am not an advocate of pills, however, these are amazing!!! One is is thyroid enhancer, one helps me sleep and the other is more of a caffeine energizer.  I used these in the past, and I LOVE them!! Add it on top of all these other factors, I'll be unstoppable!!

So, there are just a few of the many accessories that are gonna help along the way!  Only 2 more days then it officially begins!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

4 days, and counting- D DAY

If you're wondering, no I'm not going to be storming any beaches, D-Day stands for, in the diet world "DO-IT" day!  It's the day that will begin it all again!  D-day is when I am starting my transformation from casual diet, to do it or die, diet!

Let me back up a bit.  Starting Sunday, Colin and I are doing a 28 day cleanse together.  You may remember that from previous blogs.  However, not only that, we're both going to start hard core workouts.  Colin has the opportunity to go AGR, to do so, however, he needs a recent passed PT test on his record.  Well, his unit sucks and they haven't given one since his deployment!  He takes one in February, and as long as he passes that, we'll be an AGR family!

As for me, well, you guys know my goals.  I've decided to...reduce it a bit.  My goal is 30 pounds by April 15. That's about 17 weeks, so a little less than 2 pounds a week!! Like I said...D-day!! To prepare ourselves for this event, Colin and I took some drastic measures!! We are starting ALL over.  We're cleaning out all our old food, we gave a ton to food shelves, and setting up "goals" all over the apartment, to constantly remind ourselves what we're doing this for.  Here are just a couple examples of our doings:

These shelves used to be filled with cereal, pastas, and just about an processed food possible:

 We also got rid of a lot of baking goods, like bad oils, syrups, etc, and now we're going to stock with LOTS of spices and goodies!!

Oh baron fridge, you shall soon be stocked with chicken and turkey, white fishes and lots of colorful veggies!!

And finally, this is MY personal motivation! I carry this everywhere to remind myself WHY I'm doing what I'm doing!!  Looks good, doesn't it??

Well, this is just the begining.  I am gonna do my best to blog each day about this 28 day challenge, with the struggles and the successes.  Let's hope for more successes!! :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

New year, new me!

I took the first steps today in changing me, my habits, and finally reaching my goals!

My bootcamp class is doing a 28 day challenge starting 02 January. I am SO excited, and I'm not 100% sure what it's about, because it is a special designed challenge for those who are up for the hard journey!  I'm not gonna lie, I don't know ALL the details yet, but that's half the fun!

Well, to get in the right spirit, I cleaned out EVERYTHING I know I won't be able to eat on this thing. I realized with this venture, that my habits may have not been the best. I have never seen my fridge and cabinets SO empty! It's refreshing in a way. It's like, not only is the year going to be new, but I'm going to have new food, and another new outlook!

My theory is, why not, right? 2011 brings me an excuse to be able to start all over, and I'm quite pumped! Let's hope 2 weeks into this thing, when I am in MAJOR sugar withdrawal, I still have a positive attitude! :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

12 Days of Fitness...

While bored at work, I thought I would put a special spin on the 12 Days of Christmas...maybe we can give this a shot together!  Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

On the first day of Christmas my trainer gave to me a pair of blue 10 pound dumbbells.

On the second day of Christmas my trainer gave to me two jump ropes jumping and a pair of blue 10 pound dumbbells

On the third day of Christmas my trainer gave to me three sets of lunges, two jump ropes jumping and a pair of blue 10 pound dumbbells

On the fourth day of Christmas my trainer gave to me  four sore muscles hurting, three sets of lunges, two jump ropes jumping and a pair of blue 10 pound dumbbells

On the fifth day of Christmas my trainer gave to me 5 pounds of PROTEIN, four sore muscles hurting, three sets of lunges, two jump ropes jumping and a pair of blue 10 pound dumbbells

On the sixth day of Christmas my trainer gave to me six tight abs showing, 5 pounds of PROTEIN, four sore muscles hurting, three sets of lunges, two jump ropes jumping and a pair of blue 10 pound dumbbells

On the seventh day of Christmas my trainer gave to me seven killer circuits, six tight abs showing, 5 pounds of PROTEIN, four sore muscles hurting, three sets of lunges, two jump ropes jumping and a pair of blue 10 pound dumbbells.

On the eight day of Christmas my trainer gave to me eight minutes resting, seven killer circuits, six tight abs showing, 5 pounds of PROTEIN, four sore muscles hurting, three sets of lunges, two jump ropes jumping and a pair of blue 10 pound dumbbells.

On the ninth day of Christmas my trainer gave to me 9 sprints a sprinting, eight minutes resting, seven killer circuits, six tight abs showing, 5 pounds of PROTEIN, four sore muscles hurting, three sets of lunges, two jump ropes jumping and a pair of blue 10 pound dumbbells.

On the tenth day of Christmas my trainer gave to me ten loads for lifting, 9 sprints a sprinting, eight minutes resting, seven killer circuits, six tight abs showing, 5 pounds of PROTEIN, four sore muscles hurting, three sets of lunges, two jump ropes jumping and a pair of blue 10 pound dumbbells.

On the eleventh day of Christmas my trainer gave to me eleven sizes smaller, ten loads for lifting, 9 sprints a sprinting, eight minutes resting, seven killer circuits, six tight abs showing, 5 pounds of PROTEIN, four sore muscles hurting, three sets of lunges, two jump ropes jumping and a pair of blue 10 pound dumbbells.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my trainer gave to me twelve drinks of water, eleven sizes smaller, ten loads for lifting, 9 sprints a sprinting, eight minutes resting, seven killer circuits, six tight abs showing, 5 pounds of PROTEIN, four sore muscles hurting, three sets of lunges, two jump ropes jumping AND A PAIR OF BLUE 10 POUND DUUUUUMMMMMBBELLLLLLLLLLSSSS!!!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010


I finally figured it out!! For the last month, I've been picking my brain trying to figure out, why am I struggling SO much now, versus when Colin was gone??

Well, I FINALLY figured it out!  When Colin was gone, I was at Golds Gym every single day!! It was wonderful!  I got to see the people that really knew what I was going through, and kept me on track starting every morning!

When Golds closed, I didn't really have anyone keeping me honest.  I did the workouts, but I didn't have someone saying once a week "let's step on the scale and really see how you're doing!"

When I did Weight Watchers the first time, that's also what kept me honest! Every week someone was like "umm, Cara, did we fall off the bandwagon this week?"   "Why yes scary Weight Watchers lady, I did indulge in that chocolate lava cake...BUT I SHARED IT!!"

Well, you remember that boot camp class I told you about? Well I am SOOOO excited, because I get to weigh in now, and I have that someone reminding me every week that I need to be watching every bite! It sucks to have to be SO dang picky, but it works my friends, and if I want to reach that goal, I know what I have to do!

Well, starting January 3rd, Colin and I are cracking down and going HARD CORE diet!! I don't have all the details yet, but with Colin in ROTC, and my goal of OCS, I tell ya, we're going to have Army plastered all over this dang apartment.  We have to remind ourselves EVERY day!!

This is a brand new year coming up, and it's going to be a whole new start! Ya just gotta love the New Year, eh?

"Do not dismantle the house, but look at each brick, and replace those which appear to be broken, which no longer support the structure."  Neale Donald Walsch