Monday, January 4, 2010

Gotta get back on track!!

It feels like this is a common trend for me lately!

I honestly wish I could tell you what has derailed me from everything, but I can't! I feel like I'm not pushing myself as hard in my workouts, and I feel like I'm slacking on my diet too much!  Something is stopping me, and I don't know what!

I don't know if a part of it is regret. Regret for my decision, or regret on not doing it sooner!? I don't know, and I really am struggling!!

I'm struggling with my diet! I'm having a hard time saying no to the food I used to be able to pass by! The food that I could just say, meh, to, are now my greatest hurdles!! I find myself getting hungry, and I mean REALLY hungry at night! And if there's cereal anywhere, I'll eat it! I'll neglect my measuring and just go for it! What has gotten in my head?!!?

I think I need someone to kick my butt, and say "Cara, what the HELL are you doing?!" For the last 9.5 months I've been answering to myself, and I'm feel like I'm almost taking the role of mother and child! I'm testing myself to see how far I'll push my limits! How many "extra" things can I eat without seeing the movement on the scale?!  I keep pushing it, and I have to stop!

My other problem again is portions! When I first started, I was SOO good! I pre baggied all my chips, all my ceral, EVERYTHING was portioned ahead of time, so I could grab and go! Now a days, it's just, grab and go, and hope for the right portions!

It's time to get back to how it was!! 1200 calories! Not 1535, not 1410, not even 1320, 1200!! Exercise needs to be hardcore again!! Tons of cardio, and giving 200% with the workouts I have left with Norman! Take away what I can and learn, so when I'm on my own, I CAN do it!! It's going to be SO hard, but I know with everyone's support, I can get back! I need to do it before Colin comes home, simple as that!


  1. Cara, I am EXACTLY where you are! I can get to the gym, but when it comes to food, I'm a sucker for (well, let's be honest) everything! It's definitely the hardest part. I've found that the biggest difference between before and after for me is that now I'm at least conscious of what I'm doing and that in itself is a healthy step, right? A big part of it (at least for me) is that I've come THIS far and now that I'm close to where I want to be I can let some things go. But this is backfiring on me! Anyway, unfortunately it's a lifelong struggle that won't just end when you hit your goal weight. :-( Just keep on truckin and you'll get where you want to be.

  2. 我對自己的信心已超越別人對我的評價..................................................
