Monday, December 7, 2009

Ode to Norman

If you have talked to me in the last 8 or 9 months, you've probably heard me talk about Norman, who I consider my work-out guru! However, I don't think I've ever really told you all about him. So, Norman promised me something to blog about today, so, I am! I'm going to take you guys a little deeper into the odd camaraderie I have with dead Norm.

I remember the first day I met Norman, and I knew right then it was fate.  I was sitting, signing my papers for Golds. We were talking about the personal trainer route, and for the longest time Colin had been saying "Cara, you need to get a trainer! I want you to get a trainer! It will change your life! I promise!" So I decided to take advantage of this deployment, and get a trainer! As I was making this decision, I will never forget, Norman walked up to the table and said "welcome to our dysfunctional family!" That was it! I knew right there that I had found a person, who was rather like minded!

For our first session, I don't even remember the exercises we did. All I remember, is the next day, I was in SO MUCH PAIN!! I could not move an inch!! I'm sure it wasn't even that bad, well, to nows standards! Little did I know, that was the beginning, of the beginning!

Through the past 8, 9 months, I feel like I have grown strong, both physically and mentally.  I never ever would be able to do that alone! We have done crazy tire flips (not with your average car tire mind ya, this is a BIG ass tire!!) I'm doing 90 to 110 pounds on the lat pull down, 3 sets of 20 push-ups (man push-ups mind ya!) tons of running man sit-ups, 25 second arm hangs, and just more general endurance than I ever thought possible! Today, it was totally new, and still, I seem to hurt minorly! :)

I am so thankful everyday that I have a kick ass trainer like Norman! I'm down from a size 16 to a size 10, I'm down almost 65 pounds, and I know that I would never be able to do this on my own! It's not everyday you get to come across a person who motivates you to a point that has never been done before, but can also be considered a friend!!

So, to Norman, since you can't be yelling at a Marine, I challenge you to help me become an airborne ranger!! We are talking hardcore Army my dear friend!  To let up in the least would be a mistake, so, let's take it to the next level!! :)

1 comment:

  1. What a miracle worker is Norman. However, he does have a fantastic subject with which to work. TRUTH!! I wish I could remember one influence in my life who had the impact which Norman has had on yours. Fortune smiles. You deserve it.
