Tuesday, May 3, 2011

28 days and the start of Lt. Rainey

Wow! I can't believe it! Another 28 day diet has come to an end! Like the first one, I would call it a total success!! The results are in:

Total weight loss: 11 pounds (exactly the same as last time)
Total inches lost: 5 inches, 3 of which were around my belly!!!

You know what that means folks??!! I'M ONLY ABOUT 1 INCH AWAY FROM GETTING TO ENLIST!!!!! I never, ever thought I would get this close to my goals. When Kelly took my measurements on Monday I didn't know what to expect. I was thinking maybe one or two total. But no...I lost FIVE!! I can tell after this that my pants are fitting better, my energy is getting back up and my outlook is just generally better! I don't think there are enough words to explain how grateful I am to have found this "Body-fit Bootcamp!" All the people there, especially Kelly, keeps me motivated and they all truly believe I CAN reach my goals and that I will!! I'm reaching new heights that I never thought I would!!

One of my big accomplishments this diet go round happened on Sunday. I ran a good 7 mile run, with under a 10 minute mile! What makes this more exciting, is that it's only my third run of the season! :) I'm running my first official 5k on Sunday, mother's day, for the breast cancer walk!  From here on, I'm signed up for one 5k a month during the summer, starting the training for the half marathon!

One of my favorite things during my runs, is not listening to great music, but it's getting a lot of time to think.  Through this last jaunt, I thought a lot about my past. I really started to think about where I was two years ago. Two years ago I was at 250 pounds and a size 14 to 16 pant! If someone suggested running, I merely laughed and asked to which malt shop we were running to?? Now I'm down to 175 with a lot of muscle! I'm at a size 6 pant, which is already getting loose!! On my trek I ran by what was once Golds Gym. I thought about how, walking in there one day and Norman saying "Welcome to our dysfunctional family," changed my whole life!!! When I went in there, I wanted to lose a few pounds! NEVER did I think I'd be joining the military, boxing people in the ring and now helping other people reach their goals!!! It really goes to show you, that they journey of a thousand miles, really does begin with a single step!

What else is new you ask? Well I have an interview on Thursday for a "Wellness Coach" position. Basically I would help encourage people in their weightloss/gain (yeah, there are some who want to gain!) and nutrition goals! How wonderful!! I love helping people and now I get to help many!!

All in all, among the ups and downs, I'd say these last weeks were very successful! Help me out folks...I only have ONE MORE INCH then I get to live my dreams and FINALLY, after two years, become Lt. Rainey...yeah, it has a great ring to it!!

1 comment:

  1. I have tears in my eyes. I am so, SO VERY proud of you. You have such focus and commitment. wow.
