Monday, February 28, 2011

My mantra

Today I had homework, 4 assignments.

1. Keep track of my food and email for critiques!
2. Create my dream board (once it's complete, I'll give you more information!)
3. Find my mantra.

If you don't know, a mantra is a way of life. In my particular situation, it's a way of weight loss life.  So I thought and I thought and I thought.  Then I realized, why am I thinking so hard when Google can bring just as much inspiration!  I must say, there are a lot of LAME mantras out there!  For example:

"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."  SO cliche!

"It's not a race its a marathon." *yawn!*

"I think I can, I think I can..." I too love The Little Engine that could, but it just wasn't right.

Finally, I came across ONE that I saw it and said to myself "YES!" So ladies and gents, my mantra, my day to day phrase, my do or die is:

"The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret."

HOW TRUE!!?? It's the same thing as saying, "okay Cara, seriously, do you really want that? Um, no, no you don't!"  This, when it's done, will go on my dream board!!

So that task is done for the day! Now, I'm gonna go kick back and relax...'cus that was assignment number four! :)

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