Saturday, June 19, 2010

Discoveries of the heart

So many times this past year I've been put in situations where I've had to stand up for myself! Before this journey ever began, I would slink into a corner and let people walk all over me! But since I've lost this weight and started getting fit and actually following my dreams, I feel like the world can't stop me!  

Some people don't agree with the way I go about things, but my friends, it's sure been damn effective!  I've discovered the people who will stand beside me no matter what and who is there when it's convenient.  I've gotten to see people's true colors good and bad and I thank God everyday that I had the opportunity to do so! 

I can't help that life goes on, with or without me! I've learned, people have lives, and, well, they don't revolve around me! I've learned to never apologize for what you feel is right, no matter how unpopular! I understand all this, simply because I know how life works now! I understand that people come and go, and I'm good with that! I know that life has up and downs, but the true friends will be on that cart flyin' down the hill with you shouting "OH HELLS TO THE YES!!" 

So, to my dear friends and family members, thank you! Thank you for the support, and thank you ahead of time, because I know that no matter where the road leads me, your support is what gets me through! I may not get to talk to you all the time, or very often, but every time I do, you help me push on!  Know that while I might not be here physically all the time, I am here in spirit and I love you all! 

For the times when I'm not here, just remember these! Know that no matter what goes on, life is short, and you just have to enjoy it, no regrets!

"Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with right regrets." Arthur Millr

"Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be." Grandma Moses

"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing, it was here first!" Mark Twain

And finally, one of my favorite, and I think the most relevant for today and this past journey:

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. IT GOES ON."  Robert Frost

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