Sunday, June 27, 2010

5 Summer Workouts!

I don't know about you, but running can get very mundane! Not only that, but if you keep doing the same workout time after time, your body will soon get very used to it and honestly, it just won't work anymore! Some think a summer stroll can count as a workout. While yes, it's better than sitting around, there are a few things you can do to really spice it up!

Calories Burned: 340/hour
Benefits: Helps sculpt your upper body! Think of the rotating motion! The resistance of the water helps build shoulders, triceps, biceps, etc!

Calories Burned: 400/hour
Benefits: Cardio, cardio, cardio people! Hiking not only is a WONDERFUL cardio exercise it helps strengthen the leg muscles! Go grab a backpack, load it up, then grab a friend, a loved one or just your ipod, and hike away! Not sure where to start your hike?  Check out this site and find a local trail!

Calories Burned: 400/hour
Benefits:  Now you may be saying, "WTF mate?!" Well, let me tell you! I had no idea what the heck it was! It's like tennis, badminton and racquetball!  Rather than trying to explain it, here's some info for you to check out! It's a game for anyone anywhere!

Calories Burned: 500-700/hour
Benefits: Tell me, what's better than jumping on a bike and touring around your own town?!  Plus remember, cardio, cardio, cardio!! This helps build stronger legs which in turn can also help your running (Should you want to run!)

Calories Burned: 816/hour
Benefits: What I love about running is the fact that it sculpts your butt and thighs! What I love about rollerblading, it does the same thing without hurting your knees! Just go find a parking lot somewhere and do circles! You don't need to be a pro, just be willing to fall and get back up!

Well, there ya go folks! What's great about most of these, is the ability to do it alone or with a friend! So go find a workout buddy, whether it's human or ipod, and get going, together!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pride in others

Colin and I were chit-chatting today! I know, that's a great thing for a married couple to do, eh?  We talked a lot about the pressure of succeeding!  I have always put a ton of pressure on myself to succeed at everything I do.  I keep thinking that if I don't succeed at everything I AM a failure!!  What I always forget, is a lot of the succeeding in the end, is the journey to get there.

Part of the reason I've been doing this, including this blog, is to let others know, that no matter what their goal is they can accomplish it! I've heard from many people this past year how reading this has helped them! How it's helped make decisions that would have been difficult otherwise. 

I've heard from a bunch of my family that since this journey, they too have started to get up and go more!  Starting to make lifestyle changes and improve their situations for the better!

To these people who have been influenced, I am SOO proud of you all, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart!!  When  you guys email me or let me know how you're changing your lives, it honestly gives me a lump in my throat!! I love hearing about what you guys are doing and how you're changing things around! I'm a little bit like a proud mama!! :)

I know it sounds cheesy, but every time I go for a run, I'm thinking about all of you, and you're a major reason I keep going! You guys have inspired me to keep pushing on and to finally achieve what I started this to do!! Thank you all for standing beside me and helping me through all the ups and downs!!

As John Wooden stated in his last book "The journey is better than the end! Make each day of your journey a masterpiece!"

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Discoveries of the heart

So many times this past year I've been put in situations where I've had to stand up for myself! Before this journey ever began, I would slink into a corner and let people walk all over me! But since I've lost this weight and started getting fit and actually following my dreams, I feel like the world can't stop me!  

Some people don't agree with the way I go about things, but my friends, it's sure been damn effective!  I've discovered the people who will stand beside me no matter what and who is there when it's convenient.  I've gotten to see people's true colors good and bad and I thank God everyday that I had the opportunity to do so! 

I can't help that life goes on, with or without me! I've learned, people have lives, and, well, they don't revolve around me! I've learned to never apologize for what you feel is right, no matter how unpopular! I understand all this, simply because I know how life works now! I understand that people come and go, and I'm good with that! I know that life has up and downs, but the true friends will be on that cart flyin' down the hill with you shouting "OH HELLS TO THE YES!!" 

So, to my dear friends and family members, thank you! Thank you for the support, and thank you ahead of time, because I know that no matter where the road leads me, your support is what gets me through! I may not get to talk to you all the time, or very often, but every time I do, you help me push on!  Know that while I might not be here physically all the time, I am here in spirit and I love you all! 

For the times when I'm not here, just remember these! Know that no matter what goes on, life is short, and you just have to enjoy it, no regrets!

"Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with right regrets." Arthur Millr

"Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be." Grandma Moses

"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing, it was here first!" Mark Twain

And finally, one of my favorite, and I think the most relevant for today and this past journey:

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. IT GOES ON."  Robert Frost

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Two good men

I'm not a religious person by any means. I think 80% of what the bible says is crap and honestly, pretty irrelevant for life today! I am however, a spiritual person! I believe that there is a god, and that Jesus died for us, and I do believe in heaven, and if you're a good person, when you die, you'll go there!

Now I'm sure you're saying "Cara, what the heck does this have to do with your weight loss?" Well, let me give you a little insight.  Both my grandpas were in the Army, and both loved to serve! My dad's dad was also a police officer in Minneapolis and was a very respected man! My poppop, my mom's dad, was a Sgt. in WWII. If you know anything about ranks, an E-5 in WWII was not an easy rank to achieve! It was the equivalant of about an e-7 or e-8 today! He had to really prove himself in the ranks!

Unfortunately, neither of these two men are around anymore to help me with my journey.  However, I am quite lucky because they are both burried at Ft. Snelling Cemetery  (This is where the spiritual part comes into play!)  When I'm struggling with weight, or motivation or just really need someone to listen (admit it, live people like to talk about themselves and very rarely like to listen!) I head to my thoughtful spots, one on a hill among many fallen heroes, and one in a field with the same company!

Sometimes when I go there I cry, sometimes I laugh, sometimes I talk, and sometimes I just sit.  But whenever I go, the last thing I say to both of them is "Thanks again, let's keep on truckin!" I know that even if they aren't here physically, they are here spiritually.  These two men help me get through the hardest of times!! They are my guardian angels! They are the reason I've done what I've done, they have guided me to the situations I've been in, THEY have helped make me stronger both physically and mentally and emotionally!

Sometimes though, like any human, I forget. I forget that they are with me wherever I go.  However, the last 3 runs in a row, I've seen 2 morning doves. They aren't like regualr birds.  Normally if a person got as close as I have each time, they'd fly away.  These two sit on the sidewalk as I run by, and just watch. Maybe 2 feet away from them it's like they're waiting for me everytime! 

This is my reminder that I am not in this struggle alone! There is a plan for me, and while I may not see it now, it is starting to unfold! It's not happening as quickly as I'd like, but like the doves sitting patiently and waiting for me each day, I know that I'll get there, just as long as my doves don't fly away!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How far will I go?

Sometimes I don't know when to stop! I told Colin, when I join, on my uniform I want three things, a patch on my right sleeve, an infantry badge (or combat action badge) on my left breast, and a parachute right with it!! Also on my record, I'd like at least sharp shooter (gotta make my Poppop proud!!)  I know a lot of people have all of those, but I don't, so I'd say I should get my rear in gear!

The thing is, I am a 25 year old white girl from Chanhassen Minnesota!! I'm not joining the military to sit behind a desk!! I know those jobs are important and keep everything running smoothly, but that's not me! If I wanted a desk job, I would have taken that business job right out of college, and would have a very cushy life right now! I would probably have a house with a white picket fence, 2.5 children and driving a little mini van.  Okay, maybe not quite, but I'm telling you life would be A LOT easier!!

If you guys remember, at the beginning of this journey, I wanted to join the U.S. Marines. I'm not going to lie, there is a part of me that really wished I had never given up on that! However, a wise Colonel once told me "a branch is what you make it! You can be a hard core Soldier, and you can be a pansy Marine!" So, I'm taking his wise words, and running with that!!  Why not try to be the best? As an Army officer, why not have the physical expectations of Marines, and the intelligence expectations of the Navy/Air Force?

I know most people who go into the Army don't have those points of view, but I like to lead by example! My point is, I have no idea where I'm going to end up! I know what I want to achieve, and so far so good.  Sure, it's taking me a lot longer than I ever thought this was going to, but I'm not going to give up on this, and I tell ya, this is going to make me one of the best Army Officers you've seen!

Napoleon Bonaparte has a quote "Soldiers usually win battles, and generals take the credit for them!" In my mind, that's wrong, but I must say folks, ya'll better be able to keep up, 'cus I am not going to stop until I get to where we all need to be!!

For my Popppop:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What's Playing In My Head?

Ya know those mornings when you just can't get your butt out of bed?! On mornings like today, cold and cloudy, I just didn't not want to move. I'm going to admit, I hit that snooze button once (or twice, but who is really counting?!)! Once I finally rolled out of my warm bed half awake, I have to listen to music to get going and get myself on the road.

Now some of you may be saying to yourself "gee Cara, just how DO you get yourself going? When you hit play on YOUR ipod, what comes on?!"  Well you are in great luck my friends, I am here to give you some songs that motivate me! I hope some of these help you to get going! (P.S. if some of these links don't work, let me know!)

Fire It Up- The Unit's Theme Song

Have A Nice Day- Bon Jovi

Run This Town- Jay Z

Don't Stop Believin'-Journey (Don't laugh or I'll hurt you!)

After All- Saving Abel

Down- Jay Sean

Cartoon Heroes- Aqua

Hillbilly Bone- Blake Shelton

Rather than continuing, I think you get the idea!! These are songs, in my mind & body, get my blood flowing! So, if you need some inspiration getting up and going in the morning, make a playlist and get in the mood!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!