Monday, February 17, 2014

A journey into the soul

Today was one of those days where light bulbs kind of just clicked on, all day long.  I was fortunate enough today to spend my time with Tobi Titchener, a medium here in Colorado.  As you all are very aware, I've been having a difficult time the last couple months and I needed some guidance.

I'm sitting here on my couch writing this, trying to think of how I could possibly describe what happened today, or the feelings that came through.  So I'm going to do my best to share with you what came through and just how it felt.

First thing that was mentioned was my chakras. If you don't know what a chakra is, here is an official definition:
"According to Tantric tradition, everyone has seven energy centers that serve as junction points between the body and consciousness, or between matter and the mind. These spinning vortices, called chakras in Sanskrit, receive, assimilate and express our vital life energy. When the flow of energy in one or more of the chakras becomes blocked, we may develop physical and mental illnesses. The ancient seers perceived the chakra system as a column of energy centers that extends from the base of the spine to the top of the head. The location of each chakra loosely corresponds to an area of the body’s anatomy and is associated with a specific color."

Pretty much, your open chakra help define who you are and what you're meant to do.  I fortunatly have two, which is the heart, and blue, which is the throat.  Again, here are the official definitions:

Fifth Chakra, Vishuddha (blue) This energy center is localized in the throat area and relates to communication and self-expression . . . the ability to voice our dreams. When our center of communication is clear, we’re able to express our truth without worrying about what others may think.


Fourth Chakra: Anahata (green) This energy center is sometimes referred to as the "heart chakra” because it resonates in the heart and relates to compassion and love. When the fourth chakra is flowing and open, we feel deeply connected to everyone in our life. 

 With these two being open, I'm opening myself to love, friendship and also being hurt. I open my heart, and with my strong communication skills,  I'm meant to teach.  I wish I could talk about how that's fitting PERFECTLY with my Army career right now, but unfortunately I'd have to kill you if I told you! 

The next thing that was talked about was my lack of conclusion with Colin.  He has SO many demons and has such a dark soul, it was grabbing onto my light. He was an anchor weighing me down and while I was trying to help him and pull him up, all he did was drag me down. What I have to do is learn to forgive myself for not being able to pull him up. He was a hopeless cause and there's no way for me to help. It's time to move on and allow myself to realize he was beyond hope.

I got messages from all three of my grandparents.  My Nana, like she was in life, came barging through with a hot dish to offer! All three of them stated how proud they were of me.  For, in 6 months, changing EVERYTHING about my life. New career, new marital status, new city. With these changes, she also mentioned how many amazing people I have in my corner!! People who will always have my back, here and at home.  A big part of that due to my heart chakra being wide open!

There were so many things that happened that I can't possibly describe. To the people who believe, I don't need to say much, to the people who don't, no amount of description, video, audio, you name it, will convince you. There was something special in that room today and I felt it.  

 I didn't go see her because I wanted to know the future or find out lottery numbers.  What I wanted to learn was that, the feelings I have, the chills I get,  the signs I see, aren't just in my mind.  I needed to know the path I've decided to take is still the right one. After today, I know it is and I know I'm gonna be a success. I'm supposed to be here, right now. There's going to be a couple more hard months, but once Spring comes around, things should start looking up.

 P.S. Spirit saw me getting married again....just because I know that's what you all REALLY want to know! :)

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