I realized as I was doing an interview for a friend's blog today, it has been a long time since I've updated mine. So, while I have to be up at 5:00 tomorrow morning, things need to be written.
First, still not there yet (I know, shock right?) While I'm still plugging along, I've realized now WHY God hasn't pushed me to the edge yet. You remember those ladies in Norm's bootcamp I was telling you about, right? Good! If not, go back a few blogs. Anyway, these ladies surprise me everyday. Here's how this time:
About three weeks ago, supposedly a camera crew was going to be there to feature the bootcamp! Well, of course I wanted to be there 'cus it kicks arse, how can I not be?! Of course everyone looked so pretty that day (sans yours truly!) the camera folk were all "oh, just be natural" yadda yadda! But you know when someone with a camera says that, you have to try to look bad ass! On our first water break, they wanted to interview someone. Okay, all these women are beautiful, in and out, so I was thinking anyone would be awesome. Nope, I got called over. Gah! Well, as questions were happening, I was just going with the flow, then before I knew it, I learned that those damn ladies nominated me for a makeover!! You know when you watch those shows and you say "yeah, right. They didn't react like that." Well, I was that person. You could have knocked me over with a feather!! EVERYONE knew...EVERYONE but me!!
So, I was shopping at the mall today with the woman who definitely knows style (my idea of fancy is a clean shirt and clean shorts!) As I was walking through the mall, who comes around the corner? MY RECRUITERS!!! Whoa! Now you might ask "why is this a big deal?" Well, just the day before, I was in the office, with the company commander!! I spent a good two hours there, shooting the breeze! That trip will be a whole other story! Anyway, I thought it was such fate that I was getting this whole new look and the people who want to see my succeed, come wandering down the hall! Yes, small world indeed!
Friday is the big day!! I'm getting my hair done, my make up done, the whole nine yards! I don't even own make up, so this is a big deal!! (I promise I'll put a link to the video up when I can!) OH...I forgot to mention the best part, it's going to be on TV! It's going to be on Twin Cities Live at 3:00 on channel 5 (also known as ABC) So, catch it if you can!
This story is just the tip of the ice berg my friends. The cosmos have been lining up these last few weeks, but we'll take it one story at a time! For now, good night, good evening and good luck!