Monday, February 20, 2012

2012 still heading down the right track!

It was brought to my attention the other day, (eh-hem, MOM) that I haven't updated this thing in a while. Well, so much has been happening, that it's been hard to find the time!

On the military front, I DID go back to MEPS, and the woman screwed me over royally, again.  When they measured my neck, she was practically strangling me! When it came to my waist, she twisted the tape, and left it hanging.  For my hips, she measured at the wrong area (I've been measured so many times, I know exactly where to measure...everyone else can seem to get it right, except the idiots who "count")  Stupid women...they couldn't make it anywhere else so they just think it's fun to mess with the people who WANT to do something with their lives.  HOWEVER, when I stepped on the scale, I found out I was the lightest weight I've ever been in my adult life! How awesome is that?! I put part of that accomplishment on the fact that I was starving myself and killing myself the few days before.

That following weekend, I gave myself three recovery days. I ate what I wanted and it felt really good. I had subway (on the bread) twice, I had chicken wings AND bread sticks, and loved every second of it!  I stepped on the scale, and was SO happy, because I had only gained two pounds back! So I'm STILL at my lowest weight.  Now, I'm severely restricting my carbs (to workout carbs only) and upping the cardio like crazy.  To start with, I've been trying to do an hour of cardio at the gym, 3 to 4 times a week. Starting this week (hopefully) I'm going to be doing the Insanity cardio workout program.  Apparently it's  incredibly difficult.  That is AWESOME! I cannot wait to give it a shot!

So, I ran into a friend last night that I hadn't seen in a while.  And his first reaction was "holy crap, you have lost a lot!" I was thinking "YESSSS!!!!" Heehee! Good times!

I get to go back to MEPS when I drop 10 pounds (I know, 10, that's it!) So, I'm turning up the notch on the dieting and exercising! And I realized, when I drop that 10, I will have lost 100 pounds! Yeah, I know, 100 freakin' pounds!!!

On the jobs front, things aren't looking quite as cheery! I've been applying but boy it's still a tough economy out there. However, starting next month, I am working every single night! I'm starting my training for the Minnesota Twins,  (I just have to add, over 200 people applied and only 25 got the job...Woop!) and the basketball tournaments are happening at Target Center!

So, there will be cash rolling in, and that will help me sleep a little better at night!

Oh, I'M AN AUNTY!!! Little August was born a couple weeks early, and he is as precious as precious can be and totally healthy! I got to visit him already, but no, I didn't hold him.  Kids scare the crap out of me until they can function on their own a little bit.  Like holding their heads up, smiling and reacting to things.  I don't know what it is, but I don't like being responsible for something SO innocent and helpless, even if it is just to hold him.  Well, if this money thing keeps happening, I should be able to afford going out there this summer to see him, even just for a few days!  I am lucky to have the greatest nephew ever!  (I know, I have a biased opinion, but it just happens to be the right one!)

Well, time to get back to the real world! Workouts, working and diets...sounds like a damn good life to me!