Friday, June 24, 2011


For about two years now I've been thinking "what am I going to name my post when..." well, this is it!   For the first time since I started my journey, the head of MEPS (military entrance processing station)...not just a recruiter, no the HEAD of MEPS said that I, Cara Ann Berg Rainey, am eligible to enlist!!!

Let me start at the beginning. We have a good family friend that's a Colonel. He called me the other day when I was out with my family and told me to call a certain captain. However, before I called, the Colonel warned me, I had to ask Colin what a Silver Star was. Fortunately I knew. A Silver Star is one award below the Medal of Honor.  It's a rare and very important award to receive. Well, this Captain who I was supposed to just "give a buzz to" is a Silver Star recipient!!!! Talk about a man to be honored to know. Anyway, so I jingled this Captain, and he asked me what my body fat percentage was.  I told him, and I said, "I know it'll turn at 27, so I'm where I need to be at the age of 27!" Well, when he said "unfortunatly the age doesn't change until 28," my heart SANK! Then, he tossed in the word "HOWEVER!" and my heart was enlightened once more. He said "HOWEVER, you are eligible, due to MEPS allowing 2% over the Army Regulated body Fat."

Okay folks, I do not cry, when I hung up the phone I CRIED! For the first time since I started this journey, I AM ABLE TO ENLIST!!!!!

Ideally, he said, I should lose about 1% more just to be safe, so I am.  I'm going to do the 28 day takedown then get my arse into that recruiting station!!

I cannot begin to explain HOW excited I am.  You guys have certainly been reading this through my ups and my downs and now, thanks to all your love, support and encouragement, I'm finally going to be making my dreams come true!!  So, with all that said, what more can I say but..."I DID IT!"

Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that all was vanity; but the dreamers of day are dangerous men, for they act their dream with eyes wide open and make it possible.  - T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011're a b**ch

While things go right sometimes, karma has not been on my side lately. Losing my job added stress beyond comparison. Trying to pack and organize for moving is always a monster headache, plus this economy sucks and constant rejection is something that none of us like. Hey, while we're at it, let's add gas prices, war, famine, natural disasters and Ryan Secreast....the world would be a better place without all of them!

Fortunately for me I always try to find the good out of every situation. I've come to see in the last two weeks, I have friends and family who would try to move Heaven and Earth for me. When I need to talk, when I need a place to stay, when I need to get away for a night, someone is ALWAYS there for me.

Two days ago, the weather was HOT. And not just "oh I'm from Minnesoooota, and it's 70 out" hot. No it was "step out and piles of sweat start forming at your feet, 108 plus humidity, hot!"  Genius me, I decided, what a perfect day for a run!! I started out on my little trip, and I got about a mile and half, running in the pure heat, no shade, just me and the blacktop.  I turned a corner and there was a tree, casting a welcoming patch of sun relief upon the sidewalk.  Gladly, I stopped.  As I was standing there catching my breath, attempting to de-cotton my cotton mouth, I got to thinking where I was a couple years ago.  Not 100% sure anymore where I came from, I went back to my first post on my blog.

I've lost over 60 inches and 75 pounds! Not only that, when I started running, I was able to run LESS than a quarter of a mile! Now here I am, running 5ks like they're nothing, boxing and doing muay-thai five or six days a week, wearing clothing I never thought I would be able to! I should feel really good, right?  I'm not a big fan of Jillian Michaels, honestly, she scares me. However, as I was looking at things to inspire me again, I ran across this quote: "When friends tell you how awesome you look, drop the "I still have more to go" crap.  You worked hard and you deserve the compliment! "

Well I'm going to learn to do that. I HAVE worked hard to get where I am today, and whether karma wants to play nice or not, it's MY choice as to, not whether or not I'm going to succeed, but WHEN I'm going to succeed! So back off karma, you're either with me or against me. Whichever you choose, I'm gonna get my way!